Regulated crypto
passive income

Earn up to 15% yield with crypto savings, give
the AI the option to trade for you, or lend your
funds to earn interest

Download button

Interest Wallet

Innovative. More yield. All
what your bank is not

Earn interest on the funds, that are in your wallet,
withdraw at any time

$ -
Earnings in 4 years
Download app and continue
Crypto Lending

Don’t let your bank be the
only one who makes bank.
Earn by lending

Lend to us, and earn yield, lock your
funds for 6 or 12 months

Lending period

$ -
Lending Period: 12 Months
APR: -%
Total Earnings After 12 months: -
Download app and continue
AI Automated Trading

Let the AI to do the job

Earn more, by using a proven AI trading algorithm

Download Wunderbar App, and
start your journey
